SF Business Times hotel stories index

Hotels discover that not all trash is alike Recycling programs save thousands, but require some
retooling, new habits Friday, June 13, 2003
Hotels targeted for millions in taxes San Francisco treasurer challenges free ride on guest parking Friday, April 04, 2003
Hotels digging in for war Hoteliers remember the first Gulf War, and worry Page 3 Friday, March 14, 2003
Kimpton puts deadline on hotel deals Page 1 Friday, December 27, 2002
Hotel group finds room to expand Page 1 Friday, December 20, 2002
Moscone expansion propels hotels Recaptured conventions, new business mean less room at the
inns Page 1 Friday, November 08, 2002
Hospitality: Hoteliers log on to strategy for finding new customers via
web Friday, July 11, 2003
Hospitality: Hotel Majestic's attempts to lure guests yield royal
returns Friday, May 30, 2003
Hospitality: Hotelier Biddle checks into the spotlight, not corporate
office Friday, May 16, 2003
Hospitality:World events spike convention bookings at Moscone
Center Friday, May 02, 2003
Hospitality: Pan Pacific, Gumps take the plunge to entice
customers Monday, April 21, 2003
Hospitality: Conventions a boost for city's hotels, but sales to stay
flat Friday, January 24, 2003
Hospitality: San Francisco hotel buyers poised for action in
2003 Friday, January 10, 2003
Hospitality: Joie de Vivre treats two S.F. hotels to winter
makeovers Friday, December 27, 2002
Hospitality: Deals appeal to Pan Pacific Friday, December 13, 2002
Hospitality: AAA guy is trashier than bad boys of rock 'n'
roll Friday, November 29, 2002
Hospitality: Service standards grab praise in Four Seasons' first
year Friday, November 15, 2002 |