Here's Ryan on Yahoo FinanceVision. After you click the link, wait a couple of seconds for a new video window to pop up.
You need the FinanceVision application to view the clip, but if you follow the link, Yahoo will make sure you have FinanceVision, and let you download FinanceVision if you don't. Last time I checked, the program doesn't work on a Mac. :--(
I was on a couple of other times, but haven't dug up the links for those.
Also, I was on CNNfn about a dozen times. The tapes are sitting on my shelf. Honest. Come see if you don't believe me.
Also, I was on Nightline as a full guest when I was a senior at Berkeley. I have a tape of that too. Come over and we'll have a Ryan-watching party. Or, here's a transcript. |